InfoLit for U – Promo

此作品為香港理工大學全新網上課程「InfoLit for U」製作的介紹影片。運用了動態影像,拍攝及定格動畫的整合,介紹一個資訊尋覓與應用的旅程,讓旅程生動起來! 通過現實及虛擬環境的切換,帶領觀眾探索無盡的資訊世界並轉化為創意,應用在日常學習。 InfoLit for U – Promo This is an introductory video produced for “InfoLit for U”, a new online course offered by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Our team integrates of live-action, motion graphic and stop-motion animation to introduce a journey of information seeking and application. That makes the journey vivid! Through the switch between reality and virtual environment, the audience is led to explore endless information worlds and turn them into ideas for daily learning. Client: Hong Kong Polytechnic University Executive Producer: Dr Johnny Yuen (PolyU) Associate Producer: Ms Carol Ma (PolyU) Production Manager: Mr Patrick Cheong (PolyU) Design and animation Production: Be BLOOM Studio Audio Production Unit: Cresendo Media Service Ltd.
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FWD Drivamatics apps promo

Promotional video for the first telematics App- Drivamatics in Hong Kong by FWD Life Insurance. 
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TSL 謝瑞麟「指語」

「指語」- 以手勢代表信念,表達對所愛所信的堅持和承諾。
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The Pair

這是一個關於尋找的故事;訊息流轉太快,但心力有限,記憶與物質眨眼變得陳舊,想要努力尋找錯過的東西,其實只要聆聽內心的聲音,便發覺希望沒有走遠。 The Pair is a story about lost and found. One day the mitten lost her corresponding partner in forest, and she decided her lost and found journey. To deal with the weighty themes of love and loss with an extraordinary lightness of touch and shows us, ultimately, that there is always hope. It’s a cooperated project with Nikon, the whole video is shoot with a Nikon D7000. welcome to see the video at:  
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Bookcrossing festival

Pantene’s history and their projections for future. Strong imagery and educational content worked in tandem to drive home the brand’s message and identity.
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Buddha’s Birthday Promo

Buddha Image Promo for NOW TV- Popcorn channel
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Staedtler – MEmoji

A campaign video that inducing Staedtle’s MEmoji apps.
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Gift Box for Salvation Army

A campaign video for Salvation Army and CROWN that make recycling easy and Meaningful.
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JKJY by Stella website design

Art direction and design for JKJY by Stella’s website.
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Youth Square dancing Fest 2013

Promotional campaign for Youth Square dancing Fest 2013
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