LION HEART 23rd anniversary “CITYPOP”

LION HEART (ライオンハート) 23rd anniversary “CITYPOP”     Lion Heart CITYPOP Homepage!
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Kids passport design for KYOTOGRAPHIE International Photography Festival 2019, that hold every year in Kyoto.
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「箱舟の部屋」A Room In the Ark- Solo Exhibition

   A room in the Ark (箱舟の部屋)是Jacky Tong 與 東京 Press room 合作的企劃。 方舟是保護一眾動物逃離大洪水的傳說。主題概念把一眾動物並帶上方舟後,與人類共同生活的有趣的亙動。在理想的國度,不論人或動物都可以共享清新的空氣、溫暖的陽光。 畫作展出場地是著名建築師妹島和世設計的作品「SHIBAURA HOUSE」,充滿透明感的建築讓陽光穿透在畫作中,動物會隨著不同時段的光線映照在建築物內的不同位置上。 Jacky Tong is joining hands with PRESS ROOM TOKYO, holding “A room in the Ark” (箱舟の部屋) exhibition at SHIBAURA HOUSE in Tokyo. The concept is derived the Ark is a mythical story about a group of animals boarding a large wooden ship, to escape a big flood. The concept of this series of illustrations is taken from The Ark, it is about protecting these animals in a way that they can live with humans. In an ideal world people and animals should be able to share the love and enjoy fresh air and warm sunshine together. ジャッキーはSHIBAURA HOUSE特有な空間をコンセプトに取り入れた「A room in the Ark(箱舟の部屋)」を発表します。ガラス張りの建築を箱舟に見立て、絶滅危惧種の動物のドローイングを一面に散りばめます。ドローイングを透明な支持体にプリントすることで、建物の中にいる人も外にいる人も、作品の一部になります。お披露目会ではジャッキーと一緒にこどもたちが動物を描ける場を設けます。作品の展示期間は1週間ほどを予定しています。 – – – – – – – – – – – – 「箱舟の部屋」3時のおやつとレセプション 開催日:2019年3月13日 会場:SHIBAURA HOUSE 1F 参加費:無料、出入り自由(おやつあります) 詳細:    
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FWD – Boarding Care

Client: FWD insurance Design & animation production : Be Bloom Studio
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Kids passport design for KYOTOGRAPHIE International Photography Festival 2018, that hold every year in Kyoto.
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MO branding video

MO 為香港全新的流動網絡品牌突破流動網絡界限,提出全新理念,將潮流及通訊網絡結合,創出每月提供驚喜MO box。 影片以顏色,明快的節奏帶出每月MO box 送到顧客手上的不同驚喜。  
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Polyu InfoLit for U – welcome video

影片透過實踐資訊素養,活用資訊整合激發創意,創作出”小薯仔”。”小薯仔”比喻每個人學習上都會經歷尚未成熟的階段。影片中,設計團隊運用多種不同手法去表達創作的過程,包括動態動像、定格動畫及真實拍攝去表達由資訊到意念,再變成實體化的過程。 ”小薯仔”的誕生成為以後教學影片中的重要角式,以亦師亦友陪伴同學一同成長及學習。 InfoLit for U – Character promo The video utilises information integration to stimulate creativity and show the creative process of “Little Potato”. “Little potato” metaphor for everyone to learn will experience an immature stage. The design team uses different methods to show the creative process, including motion graphic, stop-motion animation, and live-action. To express from information to ideas, then become materialised. The “Little Potato” has become an important characters in the coming videos, and accompanying the students to grow and learn together. Client: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Executive Producer: Dr Johnny Yuen (PolyU) Associate Producer: Ms Carol Ma (PolyU) Production Manager: Mr Patrick Cheong (PolyU) Talent: Ms Bon Bon Wong Idea and video production: Be Bloom Studio Audio Production Unit: Cresendo Media Service Ltd. Audio Engineers: Mr Mayo Wong Audio Engineers: Mr Oakey Lo Audio Engineers: Mr William Yeung
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360 Lunar New Year Greeting 2017

VR new year greeting for Lunar New Year 2017 齊齊聞雞起舞,雞大歡喜!
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人間等活 What We Deserve

《人間等活》,「等活」所指的就是八大地獄之一的「等活地獄」。墮此地獄的人,在地獄受盡百般苦難而死,之後會再復活受苦,故稱等活地獄。動物雖與人類共存,但就一直被剝削、被傷害,世世代代都要與人類角力。對牠們來說,人間就是地獄。 在本書中,會有一系列有關動物和環境的插畫,藉著人類與動物角色顛倒,讓讀者能設身處地代入每一個情景、每一個悲傷的故事;此外,每幅插畫亦配有文字內容,以讓大家了解自私的人類在埋頭發展文明、滿足自身欲望之時,是如何罔顧其他動物的存在。 如果我們能易地而處,真切感受動物們的痛苦和無力感,會有可能改變目前的狀況嗎?   作者 湯文舜 出版社 三聯書店(香港)有限公司 出版日期 2015/07/13 ISBN 9789620438042 語言 中文(繁) 頁數 200頁
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Canon IXUS character design and Animation

Character animation for Canon IXUS camera which is designed for children.  
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Kinder Bueno: JAM 我的繽紛樂團

Kinder Bueno- JAM我的繽紛樂團 is a online song jamming game, though characters moving their bodies to make some noise.  We were commissioned to design 9 characters with animation movement for the game.  
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Bookcrossing festival

Pantene’s history and their projections for future. Strong imagery and educational content worked in tandem to drive home the brand’s message and identity.
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Everybody be Stephen Chow

A opening sequence for program “人人周星馳” (Everybody be Stephen Chow)
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Mr. Mess

Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Let your soul take you where you long to be…Close your eyes let your spirit start to soar, and you’ll live as you’ve never lived before.
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Manta Illustration

A set of Manta-ray illustrations for Ervin Design UK  
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Published Illustration at Issue #31 of illywords magazine Journey is like a gift wrapping paper, it’s full of color and lots of choices. Also you should make decision of selecting different style of wrapping papers at different moments. Once you open it up and you always find a surprise. The concept is using gift warping paper to represent unforgettable gift from meeting different people in my whole life.As we remember people who were once an important part of our lives. We may not see these people anymore but, they will always be thought of on our journey of discovery. They will be tucked away in our minds and hearts.Relatives, old friends, teachers and mentors have aided us in our development and also helped us along this remarkable journey of existence. They created our foundation of growth and have contributed to who we are.  
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RELAX bakery

Illustration and packaging design for RELAX bakery
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Infini illustration

Illustration for the INFINI SUPER LAVA usb head light.
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