LION HEART 23rd anniversary “CITYPOP”

LION HEART (ライオンハート) 23rd anniversary “CITYPOP”     Lion Heart CITYPOP Homepage!
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FWD – Boarding Care

Client: FWD insurance Design & animation production : Be Bloom Studio
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Polyu InfoLit for U – welcome video

影片透過實踐資訊素養,活用資訊整合激發創意,創作出”小薯仔”。”小薯仔”比喻每個人學習上都會經歷尚未成熟的階段。影片中,設計團隊運用多種不同手法去表達創作的過程,包括動態動像、定格動畫及真實拍攝去表達由資訊到意念,再變成實體化的過程。 ”小薯仔”的誕生成為以後教學影片中的重要角式,以亦師亦友陪伴同學一同成長及學習。 InfoLit for U – Character promo The video utilises information integration to stimulate creativity and show the creative process of “Little Potato”. “Little potato” metaphor for everyone to learn will experience an immature stage. The design team uses different methods to show the creative process, including motion graphic, stop-motion animation, and live-action. To express from information to ideas, then become materialised. The “Little Potato” has become an important characters in the coming videos, and accompanying the students to grow and learn together. Client: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Executive Producer: Dr Johnny Yuen (PolyU) Associate Producer: Ms Carol Ma (PolyU) Production Manager: Mr Patrick Cheong (PolyU) Talent: Ms Bon Bon Wong Idea and video production: Be Bloom Studio Audio Production Unit: Cresendo Media Service Ltd. Audio Engineers: Mr Mayo Wong Audio Engineers: Mr Oakey Lo Audio Engineers: Mr William Yeung
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InfoLit for U – Promo

此作品為香港理工大學全新網上課程「InfoLit for U」製作的介紹影片。運用了動態影像,拍攝及定格動畫的整合,介紹一個資訊尋覓與應用的旅程,讓旅程生動起來! 通過現實及虛擬環境的切換,帶領觀眾探索無盡的資訊世界並轉化為創意,應用在日常學習。 InfoLit for U – Promo This is an introductory video produced for “InfoLit for U”, a new online course offered by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Our team integrates of live-action, motion graphic and stop-motion animation to introduce a journey of information seeking and application. That makes the journey vivid! Through the switch between reality and virtual environment, the audience is led to explore endless information worlds and turn them into ideas for daily learning. Client: Hong Kong Polytechnic University Executive Producer: Dr Johnny Yuen (PolyU) Associate Producer: Ms Carol Ma (PolyU) Production Manager: Mr Patrick Cheong (PolyU) Design and animation Production: Be BLOOM Studio Audio Production Unit: Cresendo Media Service Ltd.
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360 Lunar New Year Greeting 2017

VR new year greeting for Lunar New Year 2017 齊齊聞雞起舞,雞大歡喜!
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Somewhere I belong

We work hard for the money and worried about the scale of our property; on the other side of the world, there is someone lose their home because of our selfishness This is a road movie of a penguin, he tried by hook and by crook to get find the way back home. The first person he encounter was “Worker Polar Bear” and the same aspiration brought them together. Many things have happened in the days of looking for the home direction; However, before reaching the last destination, the one’s greatest enemy- Human World is waiting for them. 在這裡,我們每天為置業而煩惱,為家居的尺寸大小而打拼;可是地球的另一面卻有些東西因為我們的自私而痛失家園... 這是一部企鵝式公路電影,主角阿爬不惜萬水千山,歷盡艱苦,不停拓出往前的路, 誓要找出歸途。旅途上遇上淪為苦力的北極熊,二人同為背負著歸家的決心而變成對抗人類社會的拍檔; 這對極地組合在尋找回家方向的日子裡,發生了許多事情,然而,最大的考驗“文明發展”還在旅行的盡頭等著他們。
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Canon IXUS character design and Animation

Character animation for Canon IXUS camera which is designed for children.  
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Kinder Bueno: JAM 我的繽紛樂團

Kinder Bueno- JAM我的繽紛樂團 is a online song jamming game, though characters moving their bodies to make some noise.  We were commissioned to design 9 characters with animation movement for the game.  
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GO SMILEY Animation

GO SMILEY Animation for HYSAN PLACE  & LEE THEATRE video wall
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Everybody be Stephen Chow

A opening sequence for program “人人周星馳” (Everybody be Stephen Chow)
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Mr. Mess

Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Let your soul take you where you long to be…Close your eyes let your spirit start to soar, and you’ll live as you’ve never lived before.
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The Story Behind Coffee

People do shop foods, drinks, clothes and electronic products…etc everyday. But do people really know what they are consuming. The truth is when you buy something new and enjoy it; some people in the other side of world are suffer at the same time. People drink coffee all day, everyday in almost every country around the world. coffee become the second most consumed beverage on the planet after water. It is also the second traded commodity after oil. As you know, most of coffee bean grow from Africa. Dealer usually use an unfair lower price to import coffee bean from there. Although, farmers work so hard to grow his bean but they are still poverty. It is because the payment they gain are still too low, even it cannot raise the whole family. Extremely poverty, hunger, deaths and child slavery are common at Africa. Accordingly, That’s the reason why I made an animation about a behind story of coffee. It is reflecting what the other side of our world happening. Letting people realize the truth of what we are consuming.
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Oh Give Me Strength

Some cultures believe eating rare wild species is good for health. Do you? One man’s journey to become a ‘strong man’, where he changes his own beliefs, then seeks to educate  others. Official screening: Official selection showcase  the 8th Annual West Chester International Short Film Festival Official selection showcase Reel Earth Environmental Film Festival 2012 Official selection showcase 2012 the 14th Hiroshima International Film Festival Official selection showcase 2012 international children’s film carnival
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The last Bee

Einstein said “If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live.” From 2006, mystery bees disappearances sweeping all over the world. Without a trace, something is causing bees to vanish by the thousands. A mysterious and widespread phenomenon appear: Colony collapse disorder (CCD) in which worker bees from a beehive or honey bee colony abruptly disappear. This animation is based on the fact mention above and a supposition of our future world. What if our world no more bees alive; it may cause no plants lived and no fresh air produced. At that time, people have to wear a oxygen suit to keep alive.   Sketch for the character  
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